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Principles and purposes

The basic principles for this conferences are:

  1. Ecumenical. With the starting point of a clear and solid own identity, the BCCs have always been aimed at ecumenical encounter and enrichment. BCCs are ecumenical conferences. Amsterdam 2025 wants to continue this tradition.
  2. International. The BCC in the early decades were predominantly North American with a small European contribution. Sporadically there were also participants from other continents. Amsterdam 2025 focuses on receiving participants from all continents where Believers Churches (BC) are present.
  3. Multi-racial and multi-cultural. While white 40+ male persons covered by far the majority at the BCCs in the first decades, a more divers participation of people of different ages, gender and ethnic backgrounds has grown over the years, particularly in the 21st century. Amsterdam 2025 expressly strives to continue this progression. Young voices from underprivileged contexts and positions will be given priority.

The conference serves several purposes and target audiences:

  1. An international academic conference, being the 20th BCC, for students, pastors, tutors and researchers.
  2. A celebration of 500 years of Anabaptist beginnings for all the participants of the BCC and for members of the (Baptist and Mennonite) churches in the Netherlands – including representatives of Mennonite World Conference as well as Baptist World Alliance.