Rev. Merlyn Hyde Riley is a Minister of the Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU)
Rev. Helen Paynter, PhD is an accredited minister with the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and works as Tutor in Biblical Studies at the Bristol Baptist College.
Prof. Dr. Naw Eh Tar Gay serves as the president of (Baptist) Myanmar Institute of Theology (MIT) in Yangon, Myanmar
Gabriel Stephen is a native of Nigeria and a citizen of Norway with vast international experience.
Dr. Willie James Jennings is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Theology and Africana Studies at Yale University Divinity School.
Nindyo Sasongko is a Teaching Associate at Fordham University and a Theologian in Residence at Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship in New York City.
Rev. Siaka Traoré works as a Mennonite pastor in Burkina Faso. He did his Master on mission in Central Africa.
Doctora en Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, socióloga, de tradición Bautista, por muchos años docente y directora de investigaciones de la Fundación Universitaria Bautista con sede en Cali, Colombia.