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Nindyo Sasongko

Nindyo Sasongko is a Teaching Associate at Fordham University and a Theologian in Residence at Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship in New York City. He was born in the City of Kudus in the province of Central Java, Indonesia, (1980) and raised a Mennonite in Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia in Kudus (GKMI Kudus). He pursued his theological studies at the Southeast Asia Bible Seminary in Malang, East Java. In 2013, he was ordained as minister of the Word in the GKMI Conference before leaving for Seattle, WA (USA), to pursue his graduate studies in Spirituality at Seattle University. Upon returning from Seattle, he was appointed the inaugurated Elias Pohan Visiting Research Scholar at Jakarta Theological Seminary (2015-2017). From 2017, he has been pursuing his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology at Fordham University in New York City. His current research focuses on theological anthropology and the question of culture of peace.